Information obligation from §5 ECommerce law, §14 corporate code and §63 trade regulations and §25 media law (duty of disclosure).
Christoph Mangold
Thuernlhofstrasse 9
1110 Vienna
Company object: Communication electronics
UID number: ATU61673335
Tel .: +43 1 8903142
Fax: +43 1 8903142-15
Member of: WKO, Landesinnung Wien
Professional Law: Trade Regulations:
Job Title: Communication Electronics
EU mediation
Consumers have the option at any time to submit complaints to the European Commission Dispute Settlement Platform at
Liability for contents of this website
We can not assume any liability for the correctness of all content on our website.
Liability for links on our website
Our website contains links to websites for which we are not responsible because we have no knowledge of illegal activities and / or had!
Copyright Notice
All texts, videos, pictures and photos of this website are subject to copyright.
photo Credits
The pictures, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. The image rights are with the respective photographers and our suppliers / customers.
For the notification of problematic or illegal content or links, we are very grateful.